CSR News
Nanya Technology Supports 2020 Earth Hour

March, 2020 - For the third year, Nanya Technology supports annual“Earth Hour” event, which initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) globally, under the slogan “Turn Off Lights, Reduce Carbon, Love Our Earth".  Nanya invited all employees to switch off the non-essential lights from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 28.

Since 2018, we have participated this global environmental event.  This year across Taiwan, Earth Hour achieved a new high saving 120,000 kWh of electricity, equivalent to 63,960kg of CO₂ emissions reduced, 5,815 trees planted, and the amount of electricity air conditioners in 16,668 households would generate eight hours per day!

In recent years, Nanya Technology strengthen management level on Water, Energy, Green House Gas, and other aspects to face the impact of climate change as we pursue a sustainable future.  While meeting corporate goals, we are committed to a sustainable society and a healthier planet for the next generation.  Every step of sustainability starts with you and me!

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