CSR News
Join Hands with Volunteers for Mountain Cleanup

September, 2020

Nanya Technology actively promotes environmental protections as we joined hands with Nanya Plastic and call for volunteers on the Mountain Cleanup Day. More than 120 volunteers, employees, and family members showed up at the event with gloves, garbage bags, and love for Taishan District.

The weather was humid, but the energy could not have been higher. People rolled up their sleeves, donned their gloves, and went to work. The enthusiasm was contagious as everyone was excited about being part of the group and making a difference to clean up the mountain. The event allows everyone to feel their positive influence on the environment by cleaning up rubbish piece by piece and reflecting the importance of a sustainable environment.

It was a very rewarding time working together, enjoying the mountain, and most importantly having a positive impact on the environmental condition. Nanya hopes to inspire others to do the same in their neighborhoods and spread the love as an active participant in the community.

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